Deals Sync API for Suppliers


In Q3 2024, we will begin gradually phasing out of the Deals Sync API v1.0, starting with sunsetting the POST method. Please follow the Deals API for Suppliers V1 to V2 Migration Guide.

The BidSwitch Deals Sync API integrates with Deal Management APIs of Buyers that are connected to BidSwitch, allowing BidSwitch connected Suppliers to push private or open deals to just one API. BidSwitch will then propagate the submitted Deals information to the specified Buyer and also ensure that all of the details are correct so that at time of delivery there should be no technically impediments to prevent the deal from running successfully.

Usage Overview

Deals API Diagram

To integrate with this API, use the following steps.

  1. Get your API Access Token, which will be passed in the request header. If you do not have an API token or user account, use the steps outlined in the API Authorization section. If you have Read Only permissions you may only user GET queries. Request an API Account to access all API methods.

  2. Retrieve or update deal details from the relevant API depending on your integration, see either the V1 Deals Sync API for Buyers or V2 Deals Sync API for Buyers section.

  3. When you push deal updates, BidSwitch makes these available to your partner Buyers also using the API. The details are also made available in spreadsheet format for partners not using an API.

  4. Your system should pull regularly from the Deals Sync API to get updates from Suppliers.


For complete details of changes listed here, see either the V1 Deals Sync API for Suppliers or V2 Deals Sync API for Suppliers section. You should consider changes to field functionality or definitions applicable to both API versions unless explicitly stated.



  • Updated the details about which fields can be changed when trading with Google after a deal has been accepted, see the DV360 Notes for full details.

  • Simplified working with start_time and end_time by removing some restrictions.


  • API v1, deals[].revision_id added to track the number of revisions a deal has been through, see the V1 Deals Sync API for Suppliers section for more details


  • rejected added as a possible deal status, see the field description for details.


  • Added dsp_note, see the field description for details.


  • inventory_source replaced publisher_id as a field name

  • Introduced inventory_source validation, see the field description for details.


  • Added support for Native inventory


Introduced deal_id validation, see the field description for details.


Initial Release